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Sentence Collector 문장수집가 4. Last Words

Sentence Collector 문장수집가 4. Last Words

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Sentence Collector 문장수집가 4. Last Words
The <Sentence Collector> series curates and introduces reflective phrases from the flood of language around us. Volume 4, titled <Last Words>, gathers 101 final words left behind as epitaphs or farewells. This collection includes the last thoughts of writers like Fernando Pessoa, Sylvia Plath, and Franz Kafka; musicians like Glenn Gould and Dmitri Shostakovich; as well as notable figures from film, politics, and science. Life Pattern Korea.
Through fresh, lively typography, these sentences offer a lighthearted yet profound reflection on what is often a somber topic: death. Walking through photos of cemeteries, readers encounter new sentences and, at times, small anecdotes that weave between death and words. These seemingly random phrases become guideposts for the journey of life. Life Pattern Korea.
Author: 아틀리에 드 에디토 Atelier de Edito
Publisher: 어반북스 Urbanbooks (2023)
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